# Quantify-scheduler documentation :::::{grid} 1 1 1 2 :::: {grid-item-card} :text-align: center :img-top: images/index_getting_started.svg :img-alt: getting started image **Getting started and user guide** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First steps to hit the ground running, quick installation instructions and explanation of Quantify-scheduler basics. +++ ```{button-ref} user/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: To the user guide ``` :::: :::: {grid-item-card} :text-align: center :img-top: images/index_user_guide.svg :img-alt: tutorials image **Tutorials** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Interactive lessons to allow you easily define, manage, execute and analyze complex experiments, using a combination of Quantify-scheduler and Quantify-core. +++ ```{button-ref} tutorials/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: To the tutorials ``` :::: ::::: :::::{grid} 1 1 1 2 :::: {grid-item-card} :text-align: center :img-top: images/index_api.svg :img-alt: API reference image **API reference** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A detailed description of the functions, modules, and objects included in Quantify-scheduler. +++ ```{button-ref} autoapi/quantify_scheduler/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: To the API reference ``` :::: :::: {grid-item-card} :text-align: center :img-top: images/index_contribute.svg :img-alt: API reference image **Developer guide** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Want to contribute to Quantify? This is a place to get started, learn about Quantify code conventions, and get some idea about our future plans and proposed features. +++ ```{button-ref} dev/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: To the developer guide ``` :::: ::::: ```{toctree} :caption: Contents :hidden: user/index tutorials/index examples/index reference/index dev/index API reference ``` # Indices and tables - {ref}`genindex` - {ref}`modindex` - {ref}`search`